I'm harley!
Your personal trainer &
nutrition coach



As I go through different seasons of life, I truly realize the importance of our health, both body and mind. While looking good naked is great, what is even better is truly feeling beautiful in your own skin, strong in your mind, and eager to live better each day. I want to help other women become their own superhero in their storybook.





Fun facts!

My favorite hobby

Everything outdoors! As long as I got my dog and JB by my side! I enjoy walking or hiking with our dog, Jack the German Wire Pointer, hunting with my dad and fiance', shooting my bow, and camping. I also enjoy photography, as I am a very amateur photographer who loves taking photos of people and Jack. Mostly, Jack. 


I've said it before and I will say it again... I am a very boring eater, but that is mostly because I do not enjoy cooking. Good thing JB is an amazing cook! When I am craving something it is typically a burger, a steak, or sugar cookies. All of these are my kryptonite and make me very happy when I eat them. 

things I enjoy

My Husband, JB

My dog, Jack


Nutrition and fitness have been my steadfast companions, accompanying me through dark and challenging times, as well as the most extraordinary seasons of my life. I intimately understand the anguish of self-hatred, the perpetual feeling of inadequacy, and the relentless pursuit of an elusive ideal appearance. It is this profound understanding that fuels my passion to empower women, guiding them to reclaim their health, cultivate self-love, and wholeheartedly appreciate their bodies.

In my journey, I grappled with insecurities, incessant comparisons to other girls, and an insatiable desire for validation from guys. However, through constant self-improvement efforts, I have experienced significant personal growth and gained profound insights into what true health entails.

why i am here

My Story

I absolutely love coaching group classes, as they provide the perfect platform to focus on quality movement, improving strength, building muscle, enhancing cardiovascular health, and, most importantly, having fun! 

In 2019, my coaching journey took off as I became a CrossFit Level 1 coach, fueled by my passion for exercise.

During this journey, I discovered that true health extends beyond physical appearance; it encompasses how we feel overall. When we feel energized, value our bodies, and strive for daily improvement, it has a positive ripple effect not only on our own lives but also on those of our family and friends.

Then in 2021, harnessing my expertise in nutrition and coaching CrossFit, I proudly crafted an empowering program exclusively for women; Hot Girl Summer. In the past, I launched this program three times, each time radiating its own unique success. This fun four-week journey empowered women of all shapes, ages, and athletic abilities to unleash their inner strength in the gym, embrace nourishing eating habits, and cultivate a resilient mindset towards their bodies, both physically and emotionally. Throughout each launch, my passion flourished as I witnessed countless women triumphantly emerge stronger, healthier, and exuding unshakable confidence in their bodies and minds within just four short weeks.

A year later, I decided to expand my expertise in nutrition coaching, earning my certification as a Level 1 nutrition coach through Precision Nutrition. This opened up the opportunity to coach individuals with diverse goals, ranging from weight loss to muscle gain and athletic performance improvement. The clients I connected with most were those who not only aimed to shed pounds but also developed a deep appreciation for how food affects their bodies, inside and out, and its impact on their loved ones.

uh yesss!

Ready to get started?

We will work together for the next 8-12 weeks, with weekly check-ins, all while showing yourself and the world what a true badass you are. 

be a badass


We'll hop on a call to discuss your goals, questions, concerns, and create an action plan to help you create the life you know you're meant to live. 

create your action plan



First you'll apply for either Hot Girl Summer or Nutrition Coaching. After you apply, I'll be in contact with you within 48 business hours. 


about the process

How it Works

© Harley Strong |  Site Design By Nichole Collins Creative  |  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

5 steps to a more confident, in-control mindset

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